What is Venereal Disease

A person may get Venereal disease through sexual contact. It is caused by microorganisms that survive on the skin and are transmitted via vaginal secretion, semen or blood or fluid exchange during intercourse. The human genital areas provide a moist environment conducive for the growth of viruses and bacteria. These Venereal diseases are also known as Sexually Transmitted Diseases and are believed to be the primary reason behind HIV infection. Many of the venereal diseases are dermatological in nature and resemble various other skin ailments; hence detection of the same becomes difficult.

Venereal disease spread through unprotected sexual intercourse and unsterilized needles. Some people are reported to get infected with venereal disease through body fluid exchange with patients suffering from similar such diseas.

The symptoms of Venereal disease are first noticed around the genital area; however, they can easily spread to other main organs of the body. Most often the disease creates embarrassment for the patient as he becomes hesitant in approaching a doctor to get treated. However, every patient who wishes to receive a fruitful treatment must shed all inhibitions and consult a good doctor. The doctor upon putting the patient through some tests confirms the reason behind the ailment and accordingly begins the treatment.

Treatment of venereal disease may include use of antiviral drug or antibiotics. Timely treatment may reduce or cure the disease but the best way to prevent this disease is to take precautions during sexual intercourse and avoid casual sex. Those engaged in monogamous intercourse are less likely to get venereal disease than those who have multiple sexual partners. Even if the person has single partner he/she would be better positioned to counter such diseases if he practices safe sex. Unfortunately sexually transmitted diseases or venereal diseases are rampant amongst teenagers who are careless about taking precaution or using condoms. STD can also spread through bacteria or viruses that enter the body through tiny cuts, injuries or tears in the anus or mouth or genitals.

Who fall into the risk bracket?

• People who get sexually active at a younger age are at greater risk of getting a STD.
• People who have multiple sexual partners can also expose themselves to such deadly diseases
• People who do not use condom or precaution during intercourse are also at risk of contracting venereal disease

In case a person gets affected with venereal disease it is important to get immediate treatment in order to avoid further complications and embarrassment.  If a person suspects to have been infected with the disease, or has had unprotected sex with a stranger he/ she should immediately consult a doctor to avoid being attacked by any venereal disease.


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