The symptoms of swine flu usually include a blocked nose, sore throat, a persistent cough, bodily aches and headaches. Fatigue is also associated with Swine Flu. Diarrhea and vomiting are the most common symptoms of Swine flu than seasonal flu. Unlike seasonal flu, fever sometimes is completely absent with a Swine Flu infection. Symptoms of a much more serious Swine Flu also include pneumonia and respiratory failure. So, what we should do as concerned citizens for the health of our family. If you know the major symptoms of Swine Flu then you will also know when to contact the physician for more medical information. This in turn will surely help you to feel better quickly and also reduces chance to spread it to others. As swine flu spreads fast, it is significant to know the symptoms of this dangerous disease so you are able to identify it in yourself. Generally symptoms of swine flu have proved mild. But, a small number of patients can develop more serious illness. Several of these people have other underlying health conditions like heart or lung disease, which put them at increased risk. Below are given common symptoms of Swine Flu
- Temperature of around 100 degrees Fahrenheit
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Coughing
- Diarrhea
- Running nose
- Nausea or vomiting
Common symptoms of the swine flu virus
When dealing with swine flu in kids, following symptoms must be considered and will indicate the requirement for medical attention:
- Skin color is changed to blue
- Severe constant vomiting
- Refusal to drink sufficient fluids
- Fast or irregular breathing
- Enhancements to symptoms that then return with a high fever
- Restless tetchiness to the point of not wanted to be held
- Inability to wake up or interact with others
There can be great confusion about Swine Flu symptoms and how to identify Swine Flu infection. It is because Swine Flu has basic similarities to common problems, which are readily connected with seasonal flu; however, if there are is any doubt about whether or not a Swine Flu infection is suspected then you should always contact an experienced medical practitioner for suggestion as well as treatment options.
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