Scabies Causes, Prevention & Treatment

Scabies is one of the most common skin infections. It is an infectious skin condition, which is generally caused by a mite. You can see mites through a microscope or with a magnifying glass. Scabies is comparatively a common problem that is caused if the mite burrows into your skin. Mite lays eggs in the surface layer of your skin that hatches and grows into adult mites. It means that the signs of this condition may last for months or years.

Causes of Scabies

Scabies is highly contagious and can be passed to the other person through skin to skin contact. It is mainly caused by a mite, which is less than 0.5 mm long. Burrowing of the mites causes forceful itching because of a kind of allergic reaction. When any individual has never been exposed to scabies before in his or her life, he or she can not show the signs until 4 to 5 weeks after the first infestation. Scabies infestation happens when you share your bedding and / or clothes. Theoretically, you can suffer from scabies if you touch something that the mite is on however that is not a main transmission mode.

Prevention of Scabies

It is very tough to prevent scabies. When any individual is suffering from scabbiness, he or she should not have close skin to skin contact with other individuals until they have been completely diagnosed. Gloves and gowns must be used by the staff in the hospital while treating those who are suffering from suspicious rash and itching. You must avoid contact with infected people. Good personal hygiene is one of the crucial means to prevent scabies. If somebody in your family is taking scabies treatment then all the other family members must be treated as well. Bed sheets, towels and clothing must be washed using hot water. Each room in your house must be vacuumed every day.

Treatment of Scabies

Once rightly diagnosed, treatment for scabies is easy and efficient in curing the disease. There are many treatment options available for the treatment of scabies. Lindane and crotamiton are sometimes suggested by the doctors. These are applied on your infected area after you take a bath. Children below 6 years of age are not given scabicide. Pregnant women are also suggested not to take scabicide. Rather they are treated giving a mild solution of sulfur.

Taking topical emollients as well as oral antihistamines like diphenhydramine also helps in reducing the itching. Taking antibiotics will help you in treating your secondary bacterial infections.

You can ask questions about scabies causes and treatments to your skin specialist. Your skin specialist will also tell you about the skin health information and about how to take care of your skin to prevent scabies. You can also get online advices about many
skin infections.

If you follow a few easy to follow preventive tips given below and take the proper treatment, prescribed by your doctor, then you can easily treat your scabies. Above, we have suggested a few treatment options as well to help you in treating your scabies easily.


Bobby Blackwell said...

A complete information about scabies its causes and cures. Thank you for gathering all this information and keeping it in a single post.

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